Announcement - UFI Next Generation Leader Program Grant Win

Announcement - UFI Next Generation Leader Program Grant Win

Jun 10, 2024

Dusseldorf, Germany – August Robotics, a leader in Exhibition Automation Solutions announced that their Europeaan Business Development Manager, Nadja Ella Hutton-Mills has been selected for the 2024 prestigious UFI Next Generation Leaders Program

Next Generation Leadership

We are delighted to announce that Nadja Ella Hutton-Mills (Business Development Manager for Europe and MEA), has been selected to participate in the prestigious UFI 2024 Next Generation Leader program. UFI, the leading global trade association for the exhibition and events industry representing 861 member organizations across 87 countries, established the Next Generation Leaders (NGL) program to identify and nurture emerging talent within the international exhibition sector The programme provides the industry’s future leaders with a platform to influence its strategic direction.

Nurturing talent from across the Exhibition Industry

Nadja will be joining a select group of peers from across the industry, who will examine the strategic and operational implications of Artificial Intelligence's rise on exhibitions and business events. Hailing from diverse backgrounds and possessing unique skillsets, the NGL cohort will work together to formulate groundbreaking ideas and strategies that will shape the industry for years to come.

With her first-hand experience working with robotics and guiding large organisations in adopting automation technologies, Nadja is uniquely qualified for this opportunity. She has witnessed first-hand the transformative power of AI beyond its immediate positive impacts on operational efficiency and countering resource constraints.It is a fantastic opportunity for Nadja and August Robotics to contribute to this remarkable industry and assist in its readiness for the upcoming AI revolution.

Preparing Exhibitions for rapid technological change

Nadja’s excited to have the opportunity to positively influence the industry in embracing automation and AI, stating “I am thrilled to join this year’s NGL cohort and be partnering with other passionate professionals from across the industry. It’s a fantastic opportunity to deepen my own personal understanding of of AI and its impact on Exhibitions and to contribute through my experience implementing Robotics within the industry.”

Congratulations again to Nadja and best of luck to you and your peers in the NGL 2024 cohort!

Learn more about the NGL program here: UFI NGL 2024 Grant

Press Contact
Sanjay Subramaniam
Marketing Lead, August Robotics

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